Turkey - currency

The currency of Turkey (Türkiye) is the Lira (TL / TRY).

We always advise changing your £ sterling before you travel to Turkey for the best rates. Plus, if you order your travel money online you’ll receive it in a couple of business days! There are exchange kiosks at Turkey's airports and in some hotels, but rates are usually less competitive and you may be hit with commission charges.

Using cards in Turkey

In popular tourist destinations like Istanbul, Marmaris, Antalya and Bodrum, you’ll have little difficulty using your credit or debit card in shops, restaurants, hotels, nightlife venues and major attractions. However, it's always worth contacting your bank before any transactions to make sure you won’t be charged a fee.

Withdrawing cash

A cash machine or ATM is known as a ‘bankamatik’ in Turkey. Most ATMs don't charge for withdrawls – but your own bank might, plus a foreign exchange fee, so you'll need to factor that into your budgeting. If you think you’ll need to withdraw cash regularly, make larger withdrawals and fewer trips to the cash machine to minimise the fees. Make sure you're vigilant whenever you withdraw money from a cash machine as fraud is common.

In more remote areas cash machines may not be widely available, so always bring enough cash in case of an emergency. If you need to exchange sterling for Turkish currency, you can visit a bank or travel agent, although remember to have your passport in hand.

Other handy money tips for your holiday to Turkey / Türkiye

Remember travellers' cheques? If you still have some, don't take them to Turkey as they're not usually accepted any more. But don't worry, you can still get extra security for your money with a travel money card, which you load up with Turkey currency and use just like a credit or debit card.

Before you jet off, don’t forget to notify your bank to let them know about your upcoming trip. That's because sometimes banks will block transactions if they suspect suspicious activity, especially if you’re using your card abroad several times a day.

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